Audience: School Support Staff
Cost: Personalised to reflect the needs of: Trusts/Federations/Groups of Schools/Schools
Programme: Training for support staff to develop teaching and learning.
The session will cover:
- Ofsted expectations for schools, including what deep dives involve.
- Teaching and learning best practice.
- The learning environment and how to best support learners.
- How to scaffold and stretch to support all learners.
- Questioning techniques when supporting individuals or groups.
Packages can include half day, full day, twilight or via Teams.
Led by Keely Adams, Impetus Consultant
Keely Adams is the assistant head and English leader at Larchwood Primary School, an Outstanding school in Brentwood, Essex. She is responsible for the English curriculum throughout KS1 and KS2. In her previous school Keely was a school improvement leader where she focused on developing teaching and learning across all subjects and she has also worked as an English advisor for the local authority where she supported a number of schools in their development and leadership of English.
To book
email: amy.goodman@impetus-education.co.uk
our website: http://www.impetus-education.co.uk